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Angelina Jolie | Keto Pure Diet

Keto Pure Diet is a US-made pill that promises weight loss within weeks.
This weight loss pill uses the ketosis formula to help people lose weight.

I found out about this supplement while researching the top keto pills sold on Amazon and GNC.
This one isn’t actually sold on these sites and can only be purchased from the manufacturer’s site.
But even so, I felt that the claims made by the makers have some merit and are worth looking into.
I’ve provided the usual product info about Keto Pure Diet, including the ingredients, benefits, dosage, and side effects. However, I’ve also noted the best online deals and my opinion about the weight loss pill.
Why Are Keto Pills So Popular?
Keto pills work to put your body into ketosis quickly. These pills are popular because they provide several weight loss benefits include improved metabolism and appetite suppression.
However, it’s the ability to burn fat twenty-four hours a day that gets people to shell out tens of dollars a month on keto pills.
This is also the promise the makers of Keto Pure Diet make with their flagship product. And so, many people are jumping at the chance to get a bottle or two of such keto supplements to accelerate their weight loss.

Keto Pure Diet:

Keto Pure Diet is a weight loss pill that uses ketogenesis to promise weight loss within weeks of use.
It contains exogenous ketones called Beta-Hydroxybutyrate (BHB). This exogenous ketone helps elevate the body’s natural BHB ketone level.
When the ketone levels reach a specific concentration, the body activates ketosis. This is the process in which the body burns fat instead of carbs to produce energy.
What this does is it metabolizes stored fat to replenish the energy you use throughout the day. In fact, this claims to turn your body into a 24/7 fat burning machine.
The best part about ketosis is that it lets you burn fat, even without doing any intense exercises.
However, if you want faster weight loss, its recommended you follow a workout routine with cardio and resistance training. This is because the exercising uses up your energy reserves, forcing the body to replenish the lost energy by burning fat.

Does Following A Keto Diet While Taking Keto Pills Provide Faster Weight Loss?

Most keto diets require you to have strict control over the macronutrient ratio of your meals.
The standard keto diet contains 70% fat, 25% protein, and 5% carbohydrates.
This is very different from our regular food which is high in carbohydrates. So, some radical changes in your diet will be necessary if you are looking to follow a keto diet.
However, the benefits of following the keto diet are well-deserved. It’s why many experts promote the keto diet as an effective weight loss diet. But this diet is also difficult to maintain as even a minor slipup can kick you out of ketosis.
This is why many keto diet followers also use ketosis pills.
The supplements make it easier to maintain ketosis while also accelerating the ketogenic weight loss experienced.
In short, you can lose weight with a keto diet but will see faster weight loss when also taking keto pills.

The Main Ingredient: BHB

Beta-Hydroxybutyrate is the primary ingredient in this weight loss supplement.
It comes in a 700mg Advanced Ketogenic-Blend that’s made with all-natural ingredients and contains no GMOs.
The exogenous BHB helps promote natural BHB production while elevating ketone levels and speeding up ketosis.

BHB Is Proven To Promote Weight Loss:

  • A 2016 study assessed the benefits of BHB supplementation on blood sugar levels. It showed that exogenous BHB promotes fat loss, ketone production, ATP synthesis, and lower blood sugar levels.
  • A 2017 study assessed the benefits of higher ketone levels on physical performance. It showed that improved ketone levels boost weight loss, physical performance, and mood.

The Benefits:

  • Keto Pure Diet promotes faster ketosis
  • Increases ketone production
  • Boosts mental energy and mood
  • Appetite suppressant
  • Reduces blood sugar
  • Boosts metabolism
  • Promotes natural, safe, and effective weight loss
  • Inhibits muscle mass loss
  • Inhibits fat production and storage
  • Boosts energy levels
  • Improves athletic performance

Recommended Dosage:

The recommended dosage indicated on the official site is two pills daily.
This is the standard for most similar products with a single bottle of  lasting for 30 days.
Each serving contains 700mg of the Ketogenic Weight Loss Blend that includes 100% natural BHB.
You can also start with only one pill daily and increase it to two pills after the first week. This is not necessary for most people but may help those with sensitive stomachs.

Who Should Use These Pills:

  • People who want to speed up their weight loss
  • Those who are looking for a safe, natural, and effective way to lose weight
  • Men and women who haven’t seen success with popular weight loss diets
  • People who want to lose weight without having to go to the gym every day

Precautions Before Buying Keto Pure Diet Pills:

  • Children under the age of 18 shouldn’t use this supplement
  • This product hasn’t been tested on pregnant/nursing mothers
  • If you are on prescription medication or have a medical condition, consult your doctor before starting any new supplement
  • Note that this supplement doesn’t provide instant weight loss

The Time It Takes To Provide The Promised Weight Loss:

According to the official site, you are recommended to use the pills for at least two months to see visible weight loss.
This is standard for weight loss supplements sold online. However, some people have found BHB supplements to provide weight loss within the first week of use.
But this may not be the case for everyone. So, I suggest you plan to use the pills for a few months for steady weight loss.
Consistently taking the supplement can have a bigger effect on the overall weight loss than the potency of the ingredients. So, the longer you use the pills, the better your weight loss should be.
What About Keto Pure Diet Side Effects?
There is no mention of potential side effects on the official site for this weight loss supplement. I also didn’t find any reports of side effectsonline while conducting my research.

Reviews And Testimonials:

The manufacturer’s website for Keto Pure Diet has a few user reviews that talk about the benefits of using this supplement. However, there are no negative reviews on their website, for obvious reasons.
Alka Tone Keto Results
But unfortunately, I wasn’t able to find any independent reviews or real user testimonials online either. This is probably because of the limited availability of the product which can only be purchased from the manufacturer’s site.
There was no information on Amazon, eBay, Reddit, and Facebook about Keto Pure Diet either.

Where To Buy Keto Pure Diet?

If you check Amazon, GNC, or eBay, you won’t find Keto Pure Diet sold there. The only place to get this keto pill is the manufacturer’s site.
Fortunately, buying from the official site comes with several online exclusive deals, a 30-day money-back guarantee, and a few rebates.

Keto Pure Diet Price:

  • $39.60 per bottle for the 5-bottle package
  • $43.00 per bottle for the 3-bottle package
  • $69.94 per bottle for the 1-bottle package
All orders are only processed once with no recurring charges.

Mail-In Rebates:

  • $50 mail-in rebate with the 5-bottle package
  • $30 mail-in rebate with the 3-bottle package
  • $10 mail-in rebate with the 1-bottle package
The information on how to avail the mail-in rebate is provided with each order.

Easy Returns & Refunds:

Genuine companies usually have transparency and so does this one. Here are the contact details in case you are not happy with the product and would like to return it:
Adds – Alkatone Returns
PO Box 30111-51
Salt Lake City, UT 84130
Contact No. –  1-800-938-8182
Email –

My Recommendation:

At the start of this review, I promised to answer two questions:

Are These Pills worth buying?

BHB is a versatile weight loss ingredient that has proven itself to be effective at promoting ketogenic weight loss.
Products that use a higher concentration of BHB (like this one) are worth buying because they provide the weight loss you want.
This supplement is also very affordable at 98c per day (after rebate).
So, yes, Keto Pure Diet is worth buying.

Why should you buy Keto Pure Diet over other weight loss supplements?

Most weight loss supplements focus on either appetite suppression or promoting metabolism.
Keto Pure Diet, however, promotes both whiles also helping you achieve ketosis. This speeds up the effect of improved metabolism for faster weight loss.
And when compared to other keto pills, this one contains 700mg of all-natural BHB with no GMOs for a potent ketogenic weight loss blend.
These factors give the edge to Keto Pure Diet over other weight loss supplements.

To conclude, I believe that Keto Pure Diet can help you to achieve the weight loss goals you are pursuing.
